Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Help Relieve The Effects of TFPS! It COULD happen to someone you love!

I was talking to a friend recently about all the problems afflicting a group we are both involved with in our area. Seems a few folks have decided they can't be happy with the well-oiled machine others have worked so hard to provide to them. Instead of enjoying the fruits of the labors of love of those who came before, they have decided it is better to revert back to a time in the past when the machine was dying of rust corrosion and decay from neglect. We were wondering in our conversation, WHY these people would not expand on a good thing, but instead try to tear it apart.

After my conversation with my friend, I thought to myself: I think I know what their deal is. It's just another case of Tiny Fish Pond Syndrome.

Say you don't know what Tiny Fish Pond Syndrome is? Well, TFPS is a detrimental disease that afflicts mostly those with low self esteem issues. It manifests itself in many ways, but is most often seen in small groups within a larger framework of people. For example, fundraiser committees within the local PTA, selection groups for a book club, and yes even scout troops and church groups may find they have a member who is afflicted by TFPS. In fact, the smaller the group, the easier TFPS is to diagnose. TFPS patients are sometimes confused with micro-managers and know-it-alls, but where those conditions can be cured or treated by calmly discussing the difference of opinion with the person, TFPS patients deny they are the ones with the issue.

Unfortunately, there is only one treatment for those afflicted with TFPS at this time. It's called the GET OVER YOURSELF pill (generic name is Shut The Hell Up). This pill is so bitter and hard to swallow that it is often refused by the TFPS patient. Because of this unfortunate side effect, TFPS patients are most often subsequently ejected from the group and left to their own devices. This is a sad event for all involved because those doing the ejecting tend to feel at least somewhat responsible and those being ejected tend to spit venom in the direction of those who did the ejecting because they fail to see their ejection was totally of their own design.

Can't you see how important it is to raise awareness for TFPS and now rather than later? Please, find it in your heart to give to the TFPS Foundation. All proceeds are guaranteed to benefit those affected most by TFPS--those left to clean up after the TFPS patients. A simple donation of only $10 will buy at least one margarita and maybe even put a smile back on the face of a well deserving victim of a TFPS patient's vindictive nature. Can you give today? Make checks payable to CASH and mail it to me. I promise to see to it that all funds are spent on those most deserving of your generosity.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you know who may be dealing with someone afflicted with TFPS. Do it today before it spreads! Thank you for your time!! Remember only YOU can prevent the spread of TFPS! Give till it hurts, before someone you know and love catches this dreaded disease!

Ok...so I'm bored...does it show that much??

Disclaimer: The TFPS Foundation is a figment of this author's imagination and should in no way be confused by legitimate services or charities. This is an attempt at humor. No actually funds are being solicited, but none will be refused or refunded. Hey, if you want to send me $10 for margaritas, then who am I to turn it down?

Who is stalking me?



Dragongly Symbolism

Dragonfly symbolism crosses and combines with that of the butterfly and change. The dragonfly symbolizes going past self-created illusions that limit our growing and changing. Dragonflies are a symbol of the sense of self that comes with maturity.