Sunday, January 18, 2009

Trying to wrap my brain around this concept...

If anyone, anywhere, can actually explain to me HOW in the world anyone would ever think it was perfectly acceptable for a Girl Scout troop to have a cookie booth outside of a HOOTER'S restaurant, I would greatly appreciate the effort!!

I just do not think, and cannot be convinced, that the image of Girl Scouts will ever mesh with the image of Hooter's. Why bring little girls to that type of establishment and have them outside selling cookies to raise money for troop activities, when the girls inside are dressed like a bunch of skanky low-rent hookers serving a big plate of false hope to a bunch of drunken men who should have better things to do? Any ideas?? Anyone??

And before anyone wants to tell me that they are a family restaurant and have good food there, let me tell you this, if their food was so great, they would be willing to clothe their wait staff. They would be willing to hire a man to wait tables. They might even hire a flat-chested girl or, now here's a novel idea--a fat chick or two! If Hooter's did any of that, I MIGHT be able to give them a shot at being called a family restaurant.

For those who want to argue it is a LEGAL business, so is a strip club, but I won't want to associate Girl Scouts with that either. Of course, there isn't much difference if you ask me. I see a very short walk from 'having nothing left to imagine' and 'leaving nothing TO the imagination' because Hooter's uniforms are so tight and so short, they fall firmly within that latter category.

For those who say that the GIRLS who work at Hooter's put themselves there by choice. No one is exploiting them without their permission, that is true. However, hookers on the street are their by their own choice too. That doesn't mean I want to set up a cookie booth in front of a brothel either--even in areas where that is also legal!

Any business (legal or otherwise) that objectifies women in any way in order to line their own coffers should NEVER been seen as aligning with Girl Scouts!! Girl Scouts is a wonderful organization, but sometimes, a few people within it really need to pull their heads out from the dark recesses of their lower extremities and think in the light of day!! They may find it refreshing!!

That's my take on it. Tossing it out to you now. Tell me what YOU think!

Until something else crawls across my wild hair,

1 comment:

Marta Stephens said...


Thanks so much for this wonderful review! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed "The Devil Can Wait."


Who is stalking me?



Dragongly Symbolism

Dragonfly symbolism crosses and combines with that of the butterfly and change. The dragonfly symbolizes going past self-created illusions that limit our growing and changing. Dragonflies are a symbol of the sense of self that comes with maturity.